14 Nov. 2022 | GERAFORTE

Advantages in Acquire a Generator Set

Hospitals, agribusiness, supermarkets, datacenters, telecommunications...

Do you know what these segments have in common? Everyone's growth is allied to new machinery and energy technologies. The greater use of automation has led to an increase in investments and energy demand in practically all sectors of the economy, with a focus on increasing performance and productivity, reducing waste and avoiding losses.

Now more than ever, an increase in production means an increase in electricity supply. This is currently a problem in many countries, due to the not-so-wide distribution in the interior, as well as the instability of the system due to weather events and/or lack of supply.


How to increase productivity without being at the mercy of the stability of the electrical system?

Use of GERAFORTE Generator Sets, powered by diesel or gas.

Regardless of size or power, GERAFORTE generator sets bring with them a series of advantages:

- Stability: GERAFORTE generators guarantee the stability of the electrical system. In addition to acting as an energy backup, the equipment can be programmed not to generate peaks when activated.

- Economy and Safety: the generator is able to reduce the losses caused by an unstable electrical system, such as problems in industrial and hospital equipment, death of animals, deterioration of food, among others. Furthermore, the genset ensures that production and equipment will not be affected by power outages.

- Practicality and Technology: GERAFORTE generators contain modules that allow remote control and activation, both via SMS and whatsapp. Furthermore, it is possible to schedule preventive maintenance and create operating reports.

- Reduction of up to 30% on the electricity bill: GERAFORTE generators, used at peak hours (from 6 pm to 9 pm on weekdays), saves up to 30% on the electricity bill! This is because at this time the generator's kWh becomes cheaper than the power company, attributing savings to the enterprise.

GERAFORTE generator sets have several applications: energy backup in case of failure or instability in the network (emergency); main energy source (COP); dual mutual (or mirrored generators) for places where power outages are not acceptable; between others. See here the main applications.

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