
Customized Products
to meet your needs

Custom generator sets

We are experts in
providing special solutions


Custom generator sets are products that meet the inherent characteristics of certain segments, such as environmental requirements, specific standards, or even the requirements of customers.

GERAFORTE is among the largest manufacturers of customized generator sets in Latin America, having in its portfolio a wide range of users of these products. We have an engineering team with experience and knowledge in the area to sustain the demand required by our clients, whether in design, production, special tests, and other requirements.

We practice excellence in the assembly and execution of our projects, ensuring the quality and integral performance of our generator sets in any segment and application.



Parallel and Dual Mutual
generator sets

For powers over 800kVA, GERAFORTE provides generator sets solutions ranging from 900kVA to 10MVA+. The machines can be manufactured single or parallel, depending on the segment and application. All gensets can be delivered in open, with enclosure or container formats.

We specialize in delivering a quality product that meet the needs and expectations of our users.

Parallel generator sets work together, providing greater power to the system. Normally gensets are used in this configuration when it is necessary to act with larger power, above 800kVA. 

The Dual Mutual System (or Mirrored generator sets) operate as each other's backup, being used in applications where no power outages are admitted. Among the segments of activity are CPDs (Data Processing Center), hospitals, substations, among others.

Our machines can also work on the parallel/intermittent regime, where one of them operates only a fraction of the year. An example is the agribusiness segment, which has 2 machines in parallel during the harvest period and only 1 individual machine in the period between harvest. In this case, the 2nd machine, during the harvest, remains disconnected or acts in eventual failure of the first.

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