A company attentive
to the world around it
to the world around it
A sphere of diversity
always under construction
always under construction
GERAFORTE is committed to building a sphere of diversity within the company where everyone lives together with a multiplicity of thoughts, making the environment culturally richer.
We strongly believe that skills such as technical ability, physical and emotional intelligence, and character are independent of any type of gender and ethnicity.
We value the growth and leadership of the entire group, which is one of the main commitments to our team.
The practice of diversity is directly related to the concepts of ethics, company's morale and respect. We believe that treating and valuing everyone equally creates a family work environment, generating general well-being that is replicated for the entire community outside GERAFORTE.
Our commitment is not only with our employees and collaborators, but also with everyone who represents the society in which we live.
We have a commitment to everyone
who represents the society in which we live.
who represents the society in which we live.
Our values are
reflected in our work
reflected in our work
GERAFORTE is aware of its socio-environmental responsibility, from the need to invest in the reduction of pollutants and to contribute to improve the quality of life in the community.
Thus, in addition of having an environmental license, the company uses engines that meet the TIER emission pollutant standards, contributing to the collective well-being.
Besides, GERAFORTE has a gas generator line, quieter than the diesel gensets and capable of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
GERAFORTE is committed to working within the company's ethical standards. Broaden the understanding of all customers about their culture and values, in addition to disseminating its ethical standards to employees and stakeholders, is paramount for the company.
Ethics is an indispensable value for professionals since it guides the ways and attitudes that must be assumed in the performance of the work.